We depend on support from those who value our programs and progress. We hope you’ll be part of the growing list of our 2024 donors!
Your generous donations support all of our programs:
Ride Island, Car-free Open Road Events, In-school Bike Education, Summer Bike Camp, Rogers Ciclistas, The Big Blue Bike Barn, Pump Track & Traffic Garden – and so much more!
…so that everyone can experience the benefits of accessible, equitable, affordable, low-carbon bicycling.

Your support enables all of Bike Newport’s programs – Thank you!
What do YOU think the question is?
Where do YOU Get By Bike?
Where do YOU want to Get By Bike?
We want to know YOUR questions
tell us your where, how and why!

Consider this: on Aquidneck Island 24% of car trips are less than one mile, and 50% are less than two miles!
If we want to replace more car rides with bike rides, these are very bikeable distances. A majority of adults want to ride bikes for short distances.
When more people feel INVITED to choose biking to get to local destinations, that’s when we will reap the promising rewards to our community’s health, economy, environment, and quality of life.
Get There By Bike! is the heart of our message because it’s the heart of our efforts.
Bike Newport provides education, hosts community events, and advocates tirelessly for infrastructure improvements so that everyone and our community as a whole can experience the benefits of accessible, equitable, affordable, low-carbon bicycling.
We depend on support from those who value what we do. We hope you’ll be part of our growing list of 2024 Bike Newport champions!
Let’s work together to make it easier, safer, and more inviting to Get There By Bike!
Double your Donation!
Thanks to a group of generous supporters, all gifts up to a total of $90,000 from now through December 31st will be DOUBLED! This vital campaign will help us enter 2025 on the strong foundation we need to keep our momentum and focus on continued progress. THANK YOU for your support!
Every dollar up to $90,000 will be matched. Help us reach our $180,000 goal!
2024 Highlights – A Few of Many!
Year round Cycling Education programs
In-school, on-bike safety classes in Newport Public Schools. Bikes, equipment, and bilingual bike safety classes at Rogers HS. Online and in-person E-bike classes. Community programs at the Traffic Garden, a painted streetscape to practice bike handling and road skills. Cycle Friends classes for adults, building camaraderie and confidence

Car-free Open Road events like Elliot’s Ride in Newport and the Sakonnet Bike & Stroll in Portsmouth brought worry-free riding to our coastal roads. Full Moon Rides, the Daffodil Ride, and the Merry Santa Ride delight riders and witnesses alike. A first: the Folk Festival temporary bike lane separated 1600 bicyclists from thousands of cars!
The promise for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure is improving as we provide design reviews, research, recommendations, and equipment for demonstration projects on local and state roads. We are actively partnering with municipal police, planning and administration, and guiding early professional trainings, community engagement, and applications for federal funding.

You Can Propel our Progress into 2025

Expanding our vital bicycle education programs, and following the successful pilot phase, with your help we will continue to grow our E-Bike Safety Program. E-bikes are increasingly popular and very valuable to both personal mobility. With successful models in hand, we are creating an online and in-person e-bike safety program for all ages in collaboration with our schools and municipalities.
We’re committed to facilitating carbon reduction for Aquidneck Island. Through the Ride Island initiative for a connected and traffic-separated bicycle network, and our determined advocacy to enhance rider safety on our streets, we’re working to encourage more people to choose biking for short distances. Your contribution supports these important environmental and public safety initiatives. Thank you!

With our successful bid for $1.5 million to conduct a feasibility study to add bicycle and pedestrian access to the Newport Pell and Jamestown Verrazzano Bridges, we will complete this study process and community engagement to determine what solutions will bring the most benefits to our community.
About Bike Newport
Bike Newport is an effective and respected advocate for making bicycling accessible and welcoming for all people, ensuring our streets become safer places to walk and ride, and building bike culture. We are a force for democratizing transportation and putting people first with innovative infrastructure planning. We’re promoting healthier and more climate-friendly living, reducing congestion on our streets, and helping people daily to discover (and re-discover) the joy of riding a bike.

Our mission is to ensure that bicycling is a viable, safe, and comfortable primary choice for transportation and recreation.

Check out our board game
It’s “Candy Land” meets “Chutes and Ladders” on wheels!
If you didn’t get yours in the mail, send your address and we’ll get one to you while our supplies last.
We’ll mail you the game!
Thank you for supporting Bike Newport!
Follow our progress,contribute, volunteer, and ride with us throughout the coming year.
Meet our 2024 Supporters here!
Wishing you all the joys of this holiday season, and all the very best for 2025!
Remember, your generous gift will be DOUBLED!