Mark your calendars for a community celebration at the Big Blue Bike Barn! Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 will be a fun-filled afternoon with food, music and activities for everyone. The Bike Barn campus is a hub of bicycle activity, complemented by food gardens, a pump track, and park trails that make for awesome family fun.
The Bike Barn campus, located on Sunset Blvd adjacent to Miantonomi Park, is a joyful public space that resulted from Bike Newport’s collaboration with numerous community partners, including Newport Housing Authority, the City of Newport, and Aquidneck Community Table. Many partners provided generous funding, including BankNewport, Bazarsky Family Foundation, Bloom Family, CDBG grants, Champlin Foundation, EJMP Fund for Philanthropy, Greenbridge Charitable Fund, Gruben Charitable Foundation, Hamilton Family Foundation, Kaminitz Family Foundation, LISC, Merritt Fund, Ocean State Charities Trust, People for Bikes, Powered by Prince, Rhode Island Foundation, van Beuren Charitable Foundation, and many others.

This event will celebrate everyone – the partners, donors, and volunteers who helped build the Bike Barn campus along with everyone who enjoys it! There will be music, food, and lots of bikes – including some bikes to borrow – so you can ride the Pump Track and explore the trails of Miantonomi Park.
The Bike Barn is a thriving hub of bicycle activity, gardens for community planting and growing, and trails into Miantonomi Park. The site has evolved and now includes three converted shipping containers painted by members of the Newport community. Two larger containers hold bicycles and program equipment. The third container holds all the equipment for our on-site community gardens. The program area is furnished with modular tables and benches fabricated from locally sourced wood. The Pump Track is a 1/2-acre of hills and valleys for kids and grown-ups to have a two-wheelin’ good time – safely far from traffic. The crown of the campus is a beautiful two-tiered wooden canopy designed by architecture students at Roger Williams University and built with the help of numerous community experts. All of this is thanks to the generosity of our community partners – and we’ll show our gratitude on June 3rd by enjoying the activities they’ve made possible!
Join us to celebrate on June 3rd, 2023, from 2 pm to 5 pm!
To stay updated on the Big Blue Bike Barn Celebration, stay tuned here at bikenewportri.org and on our social media pages @bikenewportri.
For more information, contact our Communications Manager, Merrill Sampson, at merrill@bikenewportri.org or 401-259-7298.
See you at the Big Blue Bike Barn!