Bike Newport is an effective advocate for making bicycling accessible and welcoming for everyone, ensuring our streets become safer places to walk and ride, and building knowledgeable bike culture.

Bike Newport wouldn’t run without the support and dedication of our amazing volunteers. There are many opportunities to get involved! Help plan, organize, and participate! Bike Newport volunteers get free membership (min 5x/year).
Bike Newport is helping democratize transportation, promoting healthier and more climate-friendly living, reducing congestion on our streets, and helping people discover (and re-discover) the joy of riding a bike.
Thank you for making our work possible with your support!
Thanks to our Generous 2024 Donors
WOW – so many wonderful donations! We are continuing to update with end of year contributions – please check back – thank you!
If you notice an omission or error – please let us know.
Your generous annual support powers our success! Bike Newport has big plans in store for 2025, including expansion of our in-school bike safety education program, unforgettable group riding experiences, and of course we are always focused on advocating for better and safer bike infrastructure on Aquidneck Island. Together, we can do this! We are grateful to all of our 2024 donors listed below, and to all who will answer the call with a donation to our year-end campaign.
When you donate to Bike Newport, you’ll be part our 2024 Donor Family – thank you!
2024 Donors
Drive Train
$25,000 & UP
11th Hour Racing
Bazarsky Family Foundation
Peter Bloom
The De Ramel Foundation
Greenbridge Charitable Fund
Gruben Charitable Foundation
Reynolds DeWalt
RIDOT Division of Highway Safety
Standard Modern
van Beuren Charitable Foundation
$10,000 – $24,999
Bike to the Beach
Bloom Family
Lizabeth Bourret
De Ramel Family Foundation
EJMP Fund for Philanthropy
Gruben Foundation
The Kaminitz Family
Peter & Beth McKeon
People’s Credit Union
Prince Charitable Trusts
Rhode Island Foundation – Community Grants
AARP Rhode Island
BnV Foundation
DCG Synergy Fund
Charlotte & Paul Marshall
The Edith McBean Fund
Newport Craft Brewing & Distilling Company
Newport Festivals Foundation
Powered by Prince
Rhode Island Foundation – Newport County Fund
RI House of Representatives
Maryann Thompson
United Way of Rhode Island Operating Account
Dominique Alfandre & Thomas Palmer
Aramli Foundation
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI
Kathleen & Stephen Braga
John & Jean Burton
Child & Family
David Dittmann
Kurt & Alessandra Dolnier
Mary Flynn
Stacy Hennessey
Nancy & Douglas Horsey
Island Park Hospitality Group
John Clarke Trust
Bill & Karen Corcoran
Kirby Perkins Construction
Elena Kissel
Hank Kniskern
Lisa Lewis
Soad Mahir
Judith Malin
Susan & Ted Mocarski
Montaup Country Club
Newport Craft Brewing & Distilling Company
Chyleene & Jack O’Connor
Pangaea Logistics Solutions
The Pyle Fund
RI Department of Health
Nancy Love Robertson
Saccucci Honda
Harold & Ellen Schein
Susan Sipprelle
Emily Skeehan
Deborah & Dave Smith
Southcoast Health
St. Columba’s Chapel
Team One Newport
David & Suzi Van Ness
Bank of America
Glenn Bradfield
Ross Cheit
Julia Coll
In memory of Edward Coll
Trudy Coxe
Sean Daly
Thomas Dembinski
Sharon Dodson
Erin Flynn
Bari Freeman
Peter Friedrichs
James Fry
The Green Grocer
Donald Hartley
Brian Hennessey
Anthony Iacono
Suzanna Laramee
Ocean State Air Solutions
Rail Explorers Corporation
Betsy and Frank Ray
Christopher Reidy
Peter & Betsy Rice
Ray Rodgers
Guillermo Rojas
Susan Sipprelle
Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
Ruth Thumbtzen
Bonnie Watson
Valerie Allen
Al Amaro
Michael Armenia
Ella and Thomas Auchincloss
Patrick Bakaj
Rachel Balaban
Bally’s Tiverton
Mary Bandura
Amy Barclay
Chris and Sara Barker
Daniel Baudouin
Michael Bernarsky
Fran & Steve Booth
Tyson Bottenus
Jim Bracey
Glenn Bradfield
Alice Braunstein
Kristine & Robert Brown
Bernard Buonanno
Liza Burkin
Siew Leng Chuah
Alice Cialella & John Robinson
Mat Coes
Jacqueline Colbert & Mark Muetterties
Jean Conway
Peter Coriander
Patricia Cousa
Rob Cummings
Emily Cush
Stephen Darring
Lawrence Davis
David & Brenda Delasanta
Nick Del Greco
Arthur Desrosiers
Joanna Detz & Frank Carini
Adam DiBiase
Mario DiDino
Livvy Dinneen
Tina Dolen
Lisa Donovan
Liz & Emlen Drayton
Michele Dubuc
Harriet Dwyer
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Linda Finn
Marilyn Flynn
Thomas Fortier
Tara Frates
Phillip Freeman
Gary Gagne
Linda & Shawn Gale
Thomas Galvin
Gordon Gibson
Thomas Gibson
Dwayne & Kathleen Goulding
Barbara Grady
Kate Haakonsen
Roman Hayda
Peter Harty
Steve Heath
Nancy Hendrickson
Tom Hockaday
David Holtzman
Alena Hornakova
Juliette Horton
Penelope Hunt
Tara Hurley
Allison Ingalsbe
Mary Kells
Brian Kelly
Peter Killea
Paul Kloiber
Heather Knorr
John & Gwen LaRiviere
I-Hwa Lee
John Litherland
Joseph Logan
David Mann
Caitlin Marcoux
Chris Martin
Theresa Mattos
Bob McCann
Laurie Meehan
Carla Monroe
Laura Murphy
Jim Murray
Miki Ohlsen
Father Tom O’Neill
Kathleen Pagnozzi
Margaret Polski
Susan Raleigh
Nancy Robertson
John & Kathryn Rok
Ruth Rothstein
James Ryan
Joanna Salvo
In memory of Antonin Salvo, M.D.
Linda & John Schieffelin
Susan & Robert Schlein
Lorraine Schmidt
Elizabeth Shealy
Julie Shelton Smith
Beth Shombert
Deirdre Shope
Peter Smith
Laurene Sorensen
Gretchen Sotomayor
Antoinette Sutherland
Kate Sparrow
Jennifer & Scott Spring
Richard Starry
Betsy Stein
Margaret Sullivan-Carr
Channa Taub
Pam Thomas
Chris Tompsett
Paula and David Touger
Felicia Touhey
Joshua Tripp
Linda Ujifusa
Bob Walsh
Daniel Warburg
Leslie Warhurst
Bonnie Watson
Thomas Waugh
Whipple Tree Experts
Charlie Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse
Brooke Whittemore
In honor of Dennis Williams
Murray Wilmerding
Alan Woodmansee
Laura & Christopher Yalanis
Ron & Karen Yeh
Merrilee Zellner
Up to $99
Robynne Alber
James Alicata
James Allen
Nancy Anderson
Leslie Arrington
Karen Ascetta
Maryellen Atkins
Amanda Babson
Patrick Bakaj
Donna & Blake Banky
Elizabeth Barry
Barbara Baum
Scott Bengtson
Jane Berezin
Cheryl Berker
Tracey Berube
Melissa Bettencourt
Jeffrey Blumenstein
Melissa Bodnar
Amanda Bong
Tyson Bottenus
James Bracey
Marks Bretton
Glenn Buie
Judy Burich
Dave Cain
Ian & Ginger Cameron
Daniel Cano Restrepo
Paul & Nancy Cardoza
Michael Cassidy
In memory of Jane-Ellen Cassidy
Alex Castillo
Kenneth Castro
Beth Champlin
Miles Chandler
Veronica Chobanian
Charles & Toni Ciany
Yvonne Rogers Coleman
Craig Condella
Deanna Conheenhy
Keely & Paul Connery
Peter Coriander
Megan Cortesi
Michael Costello
Marjorie Cottle
Kathleen Coyne
Lori Crimmins
Rachel Cronin
Laurie Curtin
Laura Curtis
Sarah Cuy
Kerry Daley
Nolan Danchik & Hynda Kleinman
Kristin Davis
Paul Davis
David & Brenda Delasanta
Jane Desforges
Jaime Della Volpe
Ronald Delross
Jonathan Dember
Andrew DeMedeiros
Audrey DeSimone
Arthur Desrosiers
Mark Dieterich
Marco Dimattino
Dwight Dixon
Vivienne Donohue
Camille Dumont & Pascal Schilt
Sara Duque Sierra
Dixon Dwight
Curt Dzialo
John Eriksen
Grace Evans
Kathy Falaguerra
Brenda Fannon
Amy Fater
Scott Ferreira
Claudine & Mark Fitzgerald
Ron Foberg
Kevin Fullerton
Marilyn Gaines
Elizabeth Galvin
Kris Gangemi
Nathan Giblin
Katherine Gibson
Lucinda Gibson
Elizabeth Girian
Chris Gross
Erich Gust
Edward Hahn
Lena Harder
Patty & Paul DeAngelus-Hathaway
James Hazelwood
Mary Healy
Lola Herrera Comerma
Lauren Himle
David Holtzman
Erin Howe
Dennis Iglesias
Eric James
Nicolet Jansen
Victoria Johnson
Stephen Kauffman
Brendan Kearney
Karen Kelman
Elizabeth Kolator
Sharon Kost
Amy Kwan
Micaela LaCasse
Valerie Larkin
Cindy Larned
Rita Lavoie
Ted Lester
Josh Lobel
Julia Londergan
David Luken
Maureen Macy
Caroline Mailloux
Yllan Maxwell
Allyson McCalla
Leslie McCalla
Dorota McDermott
Ian McDermott
Robert McMahon
Edward McPherson
Thomas Medico
Patrick Meffert
Beth Messer
Beth Milham
Stephen Miller
Cynthia Montgomery
Chris Morelli
Lisa Morrissey
Howard & Mary Newman
Jeffrey Nigro
Mike Norton
Patricia O’Connell
Chyleene & Jack O’Connor
Carol Lea Ours
Janice Page-Frisch
Sheila and Mike Paglierani
Anjali Palav
Dianne Pannes
Richard Pappert
Cynthia Peckham
Robert Penha
Allison Phillips
Peter Portney
LIsa & John Primiano
Marguerita Pryor
Alicia Quirk
David Raymond
Marilyn Reinfeld
Cheryl Robillard
Dick Robillard
Dean Robinson
John Robinson
Carrie Rochelle
John and Kitty Rok
Marian Royer
Brian Rutledge
Lisa Sacco
Julia Saulino
Linda Schilder
Richard Schmidt
Jorge & Nidia Schuhmacher
Deirdre Shope
Virginia Simms
Angela Simon
Rosemary & David Smith
Sarah Smith
Ann Souder
Antonio Sousa
Valerie Southern
Kimballi Startz
Charlie Stengel
Barbara Stern
Hilary & David Stookey
Sharon Tallarita
Sherry Taylor
Kurt Teichert
Quincey Tickner
Nicolina Trilling
Sara Vidoni
Ian Wareham
David Webster
Nathan Weiss
Wells Fargo
Carol Weitzman
Mattie Wernerfelt
Melanie Whipple
Joanne Wiggin
James Winters
Scott Wolf
Jonna Wood-Prince
Clare Woodhead & Holly Fisher
Sabrina Woods
George Yapchaian
Ron & Karen Yeh
Judi Zabbo
Lew Zackin
Merrilee Zellner
Bike Newport would like to thank the generous supporters who have helped to build the Big Blue Bike Barn campus

The Champlin Foundation
Cordtsen Design Architecture
City of Newport
East Coast Construction
Greenbridge Charitable Fund
Merritt Neighborhood Fund
Newport Housing Authority
Ocean State Charities Trust
Pariseault Builders
People for Bikes
Powered by Prince
Rhode Island Foundation
Standard Modern / Reynolds DeWalt