Road Sharing, Safety & the Law
Read all Newport and Rhode Island’s laws pertaining to bicycles HERE.
Whether you’re walking, riding or driving, follow these simple rules of the road.
Stop at Stop Signs
& Red Lights

Obey All traffic signs, they apply to bikes as well as cars.
Ride in the Same Direction
as Traffic

Observe one-way streets. It’s against the law to ride the wrong way, and cars will not expect you to be there.
Use Lights at Night

See and be seen! Lights make you more visible on the road. Wear bright clothes and reflectivity.
Wear a Helmet

Helmets are required for people up to 15 years old and recommended for everyone. Protect your head.
Ride on the Road,
Not on the Sidewalk

Children 13 years old and younger may ride on the sidewalk. Everyone should always walk on busy sidewalks.
With Cars

Use hand signals to show where you are going & what you are doing. Watch for signal from car drivers that you’ve been seen.
Road Markings Explained
There are two bike symbols on Newport’s roadways – one for dedicated bike lanes and one for shared lanes:
Bike Lane

A narrow, separate lane for bicycles only.
Cyclists are protected in the bike lane, but continue to have a right to the full roadway and will move into the road whenever a hazard exists in the bike lane.
Cars should never be in the bike lane – no driving, stopping, standing or parking. Motorists must cross the bike lane with extreme caution.
Shared Lane or Sharrow

This travel lane is marked for shared use by cars and bicycles.
Cyclists should ride toward the right side of the lane when possible, but will ride in the center of the lane to avoid car doors and other hazards, when preparing to turn left, and to prevent a car from passing too closely.
Passing a Cyclist
Passing: Rhode Island state law mandates that a motorist may not pass a cyclist unless there is enough room for the cyclist to fall over sideways into the driving lane and not be hit by the vehicle. This law is written to protect cyclists from serious or fatal injury. Please be patient and courteous when sharing the road.