^photo by Dave Hansen, courtesy of the Newport Daily News
Ride at 11am. Program at 1pm.
The newly-assembled Bridge Bike Partners – made up of the Tiverton Trailblazers, Bike Fall River, Narragansett Bay Wheelmen, Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition, and Bike Newport – are announcing a celebratory ride and program on Saturday, April 25, 2015 in recognition of the dedicated bicycle/pedestrian path on the Sakonnet River Bridge! This protected and separated multi-use bridge path, which opened one year ago, is an extremely safe path designed for all road users – a design that all of the Bridge Bike Partners support and hope to see in more road design throughout the region.
All users of the path are invited to come celebrate – people on bikes, walking, skateboarding, roller-skating, and running are welcome to participate.
The day’s celebration will begin at 11am with a 12-mile group bike ride from the Boyds Lane Park n’ Ride, where riders are welcome to park. See the route here.
The group will then proceed back to the entrance to the bike lane on Evans Ave in Tiverton for a brief program and celebration at 1:00pm. Coming to celebrate just for the program portion? Park under the bridge on Riverside Drive.
Want to ride from Newport?
This ride will take the place of Bike Newport’s normal Saturday ride. Want to ride from and to Newport for a total of 36 miles? We’ll leave from Bike Newport HQ at 437 Broadway at 9:00 am. We’ll follow Miantonomi and Green End Avenue to Third Beach Road, where we’ll pick up the east side of the Island Loop Route and continue to Park Avenue in Portsmouth. There, we’ll connect with the group that originates at the Park n’ Ride in Portsmouth. Interested in joining the ride from Newport? Email Liza.