Newport City Council will hold a public workshop with RI Department of Transportation to review RIDOT’s proposed changes to Memorial Blvd to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety. City Hall Council Chambers, Wed 8/15, 6:30pm. Interested residents and advocates are also invited to view and discuss the plan in advance of the Council Workshop at Bike… read more
July 11: City Council Resolution re Cyclist Safety on State Roads
IMPORTANT: PLEASE COME SHOW YOUR SUPPORT: Newport City Council Meeting, tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, July 11, 6:30pm at City Hall includes the ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION “commending RIDOT for plans to conduct an investigation of cyclist safety issues on Memorial Boulevard and asks that the RIDOT investigation be conducted as soon as possible – J. McLaughlin, N.… read more
Bike to Work Day 2012: sensational!
Bike to Work Day 2012 was a big success. 125 commuters stopped by for breakfast 300+ people came to the all-day Bike Fair 45 people participated in historic bike tours 70 people rode the six-mile city loop 40 cyclists gained free admission to The Breakers 1 very happy fair-goer won a brand new Raleigh… read more
Make your plans for BIKE TO WORK DAY, 2012
Friday, May 18th Whether you’re heading to work, school or errands, Friday, May 18, 2012 is the day to leave your car home and hop in the saddle. We want to see swarms of cyclists from dawn to dusk and we’ve got a day planned to tickle your two-wheeling fancies. From “Park & Bike” at… read more
Bike Newport Night Business Supporters
These are the folks that helped make our first Bike Newport Night such a success by contributing gifts to our raffle and silent auction: Please say “THANKS for supporting Bike Newport!” Allison McNally Angel Hair and Nails Ben & Jerry’s Brick Alley Pub Brooks Brothers Cadeaux du Monde Castle
Raffle Prizes Rolling in for Bike Newport Night
Don’t miss Bike Newport Night – Wednesday, March 7, 6-9pm at Speak Easy, 250 Thames Street. Food by Speak Easy, Music by CASTLE, and fabulous raffles rolling in from all over town. GRAND PRIZE donated by Pedal Power: a new Fuji Crosstown 4.0 Hybrid Silent Auction items include a Dahon folding bike and a Blackburn magnetic… read more
Bike Newport Night: Wednesday March 7!
BIG NEWS – HOLD THE DATE and PASS THE WORD – Wednesday, March 7, 2012, 6-9pm is BIKE NEWPORT NIGHT at SpeakEasy, 250 Thames Street in Newport! Our friends at SpeakEasy Bar and Grill, Castle (the band) and dozens of local merchants will make sure that our first fundraiser is a fabulous success! Fab food, mad music… read more
New Years Day Ride: Meet at 1:30pm at Touro Park
Spontaneous ride! Welcome 2012 on your wheels – in balmy 45 degree temps – meet at Touro Park at 1:30pm for an Ocean Drive ride. Happy new year, everyone!
Group Ride: SATURDAY 12/17 945am
Mixing things up a bit and having a SATURDAY ride this week – let’s see who likes this time better 🙂 SATURDAY 12/17, meet at Touro Park in Newport (Bellevue between Pelham and Mill) at 945am for 10am ride. We’ll ride an eastern loop – out to Sachuest Point up to Third Beach, across and… read more
Special Group Ride: Sunday, December 11
It’s not yet too cold for a Special Sunday Group Ride! Sunday, December 11. 9:45am Touro Park Bellevue/Pelham Join Bike Newport for a leisurely Bike Tour of Newport. 25 miles over 2.5 hours, led by Newport cycling enthusiast Sam Jernigan. Enjoy Newport’s many neighborhoods. Bring a snack for your refreshment. See a map of the route at:… read more