It’s not a road closing, it’s a road OPENING! Come out and enjoy a car-free experience.
Get ready for 2 great CAR FREE rides in May. Ride, roll, hike or stroll – we have 2 chances to ride in 2 beautiful Aquidneck Island locations free from worry: May 11th in Portsmouth and May 19th in Newport – explore Aquidneck Island in the open breeze.
Bring kids of all ages from tikes to teens, your family, friends, and neighbors – let’s all ditch the cars and bike and walk to our hearts’ content. Middle Road, Hazard Road, and – for the first time EVER – a two-mile stretch of Ocean Avenue (!) will be CAR FREE for a short time!
These rides are for the outdoor-loving of all ages and abilities – start, stop, ride, climb, explore, learn – have a great time! It’s just one day each for just a few hours – so let’s be sure that everyone who “never did and really wants to” gets to ride farm-to-farm and marsh-to-ocean!
Let’s not just imagine strolling onto Middle Road to smell the gardens, greet cows and horses, and take in the breathtaking views – let’s do it all together. One day only – May 11th 10am-1pm!
Let’s not just imagine walking and biking the Ocean Drive worry-free – let’s all do it together. One day only – May 19th 9am-11am!
Bring your family and friends, bring your neighbors – in fact, let everyone know and bring everyone you can 🙂 These rides are a wonderful chance to celebrate public space and show our interest in protected byways to access beautiful places safely and confidently.
The Farm-to-Farm Ride is May 11th: www.bikenewportri.org/farmtofarmride2019
Elliot’s Ride for Everyone is May 19th: www.elliotsride.org
See you there! For more information, write to Allyson McCalla.