(Updated: April 2, 2020)
Bike Newport is following the lead of the RI Public Schools and other community and government entities and suspending public programs until further notice.
- The Bike Garage and office are closed.
- Educational programs will not be in session.
- In-person meetings will be replaced with web-based meetings; participants will be contacted directly with instructions.
- Full-time staff are accessible by phone and email.
We’re still here to help. The doors may be closed but our hearts are not. If you need help, please write to info@bikenewportri.org, or leave a message at (401) 619-4900 and we’ll do what we can to help you.
We’ll post any updates about our programs and policies when they occur.
We take pride in our community and everyone’s efforts to consider the wellness of others.
With best wishes from
The Bike Newport Team
March 10th, 2020
As we know, there are many health concerns right now regarding COVID-19. Bike Newport is staying on top of the developments as the situation evolves.
Here’s some insight into what we are doing to reduce risk and how it affects our programs.
What Bike Newport is doing:
- Bike Newport will remain open and active until such time as we need to make a change.
- Our premises will continue to be thoroughly cleaned as usual. In addition, extra disinfecting of door handles, surfaces, tools etc is now occurring.
- Bathrooms, tabletops, workstations, and desks will be disinfected daily.
- Hand sanitizer and tissues are available to staff, visitors, and program participants in each bathroom.
- Regular hand washing is always better – soap and paper towels are in supply in our restrooms and, as always, our restrooms will be regularly cleaned and more as needed.
- We’re practicing common sense regarding social interactions – offering elbow bumps and ‘Namaste Style’ greetings in place of handshakes and hugs.
- If we notice that someone is participating in our programs and is showing signs of illness, we will politely ask them to leave the program. We will make good judgements regarding a random sneeze!
- Advice from the Department of Health: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Stay at home if you feel sick, feverish or have any COVID-19 symptoms.
IMPORTANT – Please make informed choices when deciding whether to attend programs at Bike Newport or elsewhere. Everything here is being done to maintain a safe and healthy environment for staff and participants so please keep up to date on state and national updates, follow your doctor’s advice, and if in doubt, call your health professional before going to the facility. Please call RIDOH 401-222-8022 for general COVID-19 questions.
We’ll post any updates about our programs and policies when they occur.
We wish everyone well in managing your personal plans and decisions.
With best wishes from
The Bike Newport Team