Thanks for contributing to Bike Newport!
401Gives is an important opportunity for Bike Newport to secure broad-based support for our programs and initiatives. We’re grateful to you for riding along with us, cheering us on, and empowering our many works by contributing during 401Gives. Thank you!
Our 2024 401Gives campaign has ended, but if you missed the opportunity to give and want to support Bike Newport, we are very grateful for your support! Click the button above, or mail a check to Bike Newport, 62 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840. Thank you! Here’s Bike Newport’s secure donation page.
Your Contributions Were DOUBLED!
Thanks to a trio of generous donors who provided matching funds, all donations received during 401Gives were DOUBLED. In all we raised $12,847 to support bike safety education, equitable access to bikes, effective bike advocacy, and fun community events. THANK YOU!
There are so many good reasons to support Bike Newport, here’s this year’s
“Top 5 Reasons to Support Bike Newport for 401Gives“
1. We’re helping kids launch a lifetime of healthful enjoyment
Through equitable access to bikes, training to ride them safely, and enriching programs, we’re ensuring kids have the tools to pedal themselves into the future.
- Our annual Holiday Bike Giveaway distributes more than 100 restored bikes to school kids and fits them with new helmets.
- Summer Bike Camp offers fee-optional camp experiences filled with pedal-powered learning, exploration, and fun.
- Rogers Ciclistas provides Spanish-dominant high school students with bikes, encouragement, safety education, and group rides to school.
- In-School Bike Safety Education gives students in 3rd and 5th Grades an early immersion in safe bicycling.
Your gift of $50 or more supports Bike Newport’s education programs and bike access initiatives for kids.
2. We’re fast-tracking a connected network of bike-safe infrastructure for Aquidneck Island
The Ride Island initiative gathers municipal stakeholders, planners, and elected leaders from all three municipalities and the Naval Station together with engineers and funding opportunities to make a big leap forward. Help us make it happen!
Your generous gift of $500 will make you a Bike Path Champion.
3. We’re adapting to emerging priorities with island-wide E-Bike Safety Education
E-Bikes hold great promise: promoting carbon reduction, traffic alleviation, and healthy living. They make bicycling more inclusive, helping those with physical limitations to ride or ride further, and encouraging new riders to discover bicycling. As e-bikes grow in popularity, Bike Newport is teaching riders to operate them safely.
Your gift of $250 will underwrite an in-school e-bike safety training workshop.
4. We’re creating economic opportunities
Anyone can earn a bike at no cost by volunteering at our community Open Garage. Twice weekly OPen Garage provides affordable and reliable transportation for commuting, and empowers self-sufficiency with hands-on repairs.
Your gift of $125 underwrites two refurbished bikes and safety equipment for our earn-a-bike program.
5. We’re demonstrating what bike-friendly community can look like
If you’ve ridden our popular Full Moon Rides, Elliot’s Ride for Everyone, The 10-Spot Ride, the Sakonnet Coastal Bike & Stroll, the Daffy Ride, our participation in the Bike to the Beach event for Autism… and more! Then you know the joy of being on a bike with your friends and community.
Your gift of $25 supports these and other unforgettable community events.