Welcome to The Annex! You may have noticed our new space in the adjacent storefront to our HQ on Broadway. Here you can find bike repairs and bike rentals – both new services from Bike Newport, and both in response to community request.
Drop-off Bike Repair: 9am-5pm, Mon-Thurs, 9am-2pm Fridays at The Annex – 56 Broadway
With two local bike shops recently closed, and more and more people getting on bikes, the demand for bike repairs has skyrocketed. To meet the demand, we brought on star bike mechanic Ric Starry to provide fee-for-service repairs. That’s Ric in the photos below – he ranks as one of the best in the region. All proceeds from bike repairs go right back to supporting our education and advocacy programs – win win!
Rentals: – at The Annex – 56 Broadway
Full day rentals now available! Once again, all revenue supports our bike safety education programs. Sweet. More info HERE.
Community Open Garage: 4:30-7:00pm Mon/Thurs, 2:00-5:00 Wed – 62 Broadway
Until now, bringing your bicycle to Bike Newport meant staying with it, and learning a bit about bike maintenance and repair from our staff and volunteers. This fee-free do-it-together support HAS NOT CHANGED. Located in our Bike Garage at the back of Bike Newport at 62 Broadway, this program remains strong and vital to the community. We try to always have a bilingual staff member on site to be sure everyone gets the support they need.
For more information, call (401) 619-4900 or email info@bikenewportri.org. Thanks always for your support of more, better, and safer bicycling.