Please take a moment and review/sign this urgent Transportation Funding Action Alert put together by Paths to Progress statewide bicycle advocates to require RIDOT to allocate more money for biking and walking infrastructure.
The Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) for 2022-2031 is the comprehensive planning document for all road and bridge work in Rhode Island. The STIP currently designates a scant 1.8% of the budget for biking and walking, continuing RIDOT’s historic underfunding of active transportation, even though Rhode Islanders vote time and again for more funding through bonds.
Now is our chance to influence how tax dollars are spent in Rhode Island cities and towns. Let’s send the message to Governor McKee and RIDOT Director Alviti that we require safer and more connected bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. We want the Statewide Bicycle Mobility Plan funded. And we want cleaner air, elevated equity, and healthful transportation options. RIDOT must be better attuned to all road users in everyone’s best interest.
On this linked page, you’ll find instructions to submit your comments in writing and to attend a public hearing: in Narragansett on Tues 6/29 and in Providence on Wed 6/30.
Please don’t wait – take action right away. And please share this information widely. Thank you!