Temps have finally plunged and the white stuff is accumulating, so it must be time for BIKE NEWPORT NIGHT – our annual mid-winter bike celebration and the best winter party in Newport!
Thursday, March 3rd
at Midtown Oyster Bar, 345 Thames Street, Newport
Live music with Slackwater String Bandand Los Duderinos,
with help from Common Fence Music.
RIBike’s VELOSPRINT racing, silent auction, raffles, cash bar
Don’t miss out on the annual tradition GRAND PRIZE BICYCLE RAFFLE
featuring the new “Hootie Rule” – same person may not win within 5 years – love you Hootie!
$20 at the door
Advance tickets available here.
In years past, funds raised at Bike Newport Night have helped us to make great progress – certifying instructors, purchasing event racks, and advocating for The First Mile of bike path. This year, all funds raised will support our Bicycle and Road Safety Education – SPREAD THE ED!
Road safety depends on knowledge and agreements among bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists. We’re starting with our kids, our teachers, our police, our employers. We’re working with schools, businesses, community organizations, automobile associations, bus companies, and more. We’re developing school curriculum and we’re training more and more instructors. The more folks who know how to safely be on the road together – the more people who model and share safe practices – the safer our roads and our people will be. Spread the Ed!
Want to help? We’d love your contribution to our raffles and silent auction and we’ll be happy to tell everyone about your generosity before and during the event. Thank you! Let us know here and we’ll follow up with you.
There will be plenty of Bike Parking at Midtown Oyster Bar, so ride on down – see you on March 3rd!