Bike Newport Night was a great success!! 150 people celebrated the raising of the Big Blue Bike Barn. Modeled on the successes of the Red Shed in Olneyville, the new Bike Barn will dramatically increase the size of Bike Newport’s current North Side Bike Library – from one 20’ container to two 40’ containers – quadrupling the size. The program will relocate out of the Florence Gray Center parking lot and onto a lot on Sunset Blvd, immediately adjacent to Miantonomi Park.
GRAND PRIZE WINNER MARYSE HATHAWAY for winning a beautiful Biria Bike – big thanks to Benelly Bike Works of Bristol!
THANK YOU!!! to:
The Midtown Oyster Bar for being the best of hosts, donating and serving delicious food – super staff, great food and wonderful support of Bike Newport.
Slackwater String Band and Los Duderinos for fabulous entertainment – they rocked us right through the night. Amazing music and inspiring support of all things bicycle!
Standard Modern Company for their super impressive posters and signage and continued support of Bike Newport. Gratitude.
Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition for the VeloSprints and to Betty Bourret for the being the master VeloSprint operator and cowbell ringer extraordinaire!
All of the businesses and people who contributed fabulous raffle and auction items: A Market Baywood Gear Bellevue Wine and Spirits Benelly Bike Works of Bristol Body Matters Day Spa Boru Noodle Bar Bridge To Fitness Common Fence Carol A. Chabot Photography Cleverhood Coddington Brewery Community Center Common Fence Music David Stookey Dooney and Bourke Ebb and Flow/ Gyrotonic Edible Rhody Empire Coffee Farmaesthetics The Fastnet Pub Firehouse Theater Flint Audio Frank Antonio French Confection Gather Home Green Valley Golf Club Horus Herbals Hotel Viking Spa Fjor Inpopnito Island Surf and Sports Island Moving Company Jane Pickens Theater Jenny Kay Beauty Julie Basil Pierce Kelly Clemens Kidder Gowan Basketry Lori Sklarski Reflexology Lululemon Map is Art Matt’s Pharmacy Meg Heriot Photography Mission Burger Nathan Giblin Newport Art Museum Newport Community Yoga Newport County YMCA NewportFILM Newport Jazz Festival Newport Nautical Supply Newport Polo Newport Storm Brewery Newport Vineyards Newport Wine Cellar Niko Merritt Paul Simone Pedago/ Benelly Bike Works Pedago Pleasant Surprise Preservation Society of Newport Radia Herbs Rail Explorers Renaissance Fitness Schooner Aurora Scratch Kitchen and Catering Scrimshanders Seamen’s Church Institute Secret Garden Tours Spence Creative Graphic Design and Illustration Standard Modern Company Stoneacre Pantry Team One Ten Speed Spokes The Fair Lead Velofix Virgin and Aged Gourmet Oils Vespertine Vicious Cycling (whew! what a list!)
All the Bike Newport Board and Bike Newport Night volunteers, who contributed their time and energy to making the night a success. We couldn’t do it without you.
And MOST OF ALL to all the bicycle enthusiasts who came out last night to join Bike Newport and our efforts to raise funds for the Big Blue Bike Barn. This fundraiser was a fabulous success thanks to all of you!
April 15- The Annual Tour de Jonquilles
May 12 – 20 Volvo Ocean Race – Volunteers needed- Sign up!
May 18 – Annual Bike to Work Day
June 10 – Elliot’s Ride
July 27-29 – Folk Festival – Volunteers needed- Sign up!