Help us turn $25,000 into $50,000! (Click here.)
Yesterday (yes, Giving Tuesday) we received a wonderful and most generous gift from a very special anonymous donor – but we need YOUR help to collect on it! Here’s our donor’s message to you:
“Contribute to Bike Newport – between now and December 31st – and I will match every dollar donated, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000!”
Now is a GREAT time to give to Bike Newport. Celebrate and support Bike Friendly initiatives in and around Newport – and DOUBLE the value of your tax-deductible donation! (Yikes – we sound like our friends at NPR!)
This is a very important request. With your help, we can meet this challenge – your generous contribution will sustain this organization and support more of the advocacy, programs and partnerships that helped Newport to become the first Bicycle Friendly Community in Rhode Island. And your dollars will support the next steps of youth and community education, road sharing awareness and enforcement, safety equipment distribution, roads and routes improvements, community engagement, park ‘n bike locations, signage, encouraging of bicycle tourism, and much more – all in the best interest of the health and well-being of Newport’s youth, families, residents, visitors, overall quality of life – and economy.
How to make your tax-deductible donation: Before December 31st!
- Donate online. Your donation will be made to “Network For Good” and then paid to SVPRI for Bike Newport. A 3% fee will be deducted from your contribution.
- Send a check: payable to Social Venture Partners of Rhode Island – Bike Newport to SVPRI, 460 Harris Ave. Unit 303, Providence, RI 02909.
- Call Bari George, Executive Director of Bike Newport, at (401) 619-4900, to discuss any questions you have about major gifts.
Your name will be included in a special New Year’s Message of Thanks to all of our December 2013 donors, and will start our 2014 Wall of Support. (Please let us know if you prefer not to be listed.)
Please contact us with any questions, suggestions, and ideas to help us achieve this exciting goal. And do pass on this message to others who will want to be part of this successful campaign.
THANK YOU for your support.
Bike Newport (401) 619-4900 / info@bikenewportri.org / www.bikenewportri.org.
Note: Bike Newport is a fiscally-sponsored domestic nonprofit registered in the State of RI. Social Venture Partners RI is the 501c3 tax-exempt Fiscal Sponsor of Bike Newport. 100% of your donation will support Bike Newport programs and is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Additional information and resources about Bike Newport:
Bike Newport Web Site
Bike Newport: What We Do
Bike Newport In the News
Newport Daily News Report on Bicycle Friendly Community Award 11/21/13
Program: Bicycle Friendly Community Award Celebration 11/20/13