This year you helped us with these fun numbers:
- 5000+ bikes parked at Newport Folk Festival
- 1300 Visits to our Bike Garage
- 428 bikes restored and distributed in the community
- 300 sets of helmets, lights and bells distributed
- 38 Ladies Nights participants
- 7 Beginner Cyclist Classes
- 3 Basic Instructor courses
- 2 40ft containers purchases and sited for the Bike Barn
- 1st Statewide Bike Mobility Plan
- … and a partridge in a pear tree. (OK, well not that part, but you get the idea!)
We’re on the last lap of our financial kickstart into the new year where your donation will be matched 100%! We’re almost there. Can you give us the last push to our $50,000 goal?
Together, we can keep cranking.