E-bike safety brings a VIP visit to the Big Blue Bike Barn!
A generous legislative grant will make it possible for Bike Newport to establish new educational programs for e-bike safety for Aquidneck Island’s schools and communities.
RI State Representatives Lauren Carson, Terri Cortvriend, Marvin Abney, and Alex Finkelman collectively provided the $8,000 grant that will support curriculum development, in-school e-bike education, and a variety of Aquidneck Island community programs designed to ensure that people of all ages know both the rules and the best practices for safe operation of e-bikes.
E-Bikes are arguably the fastest growing mode of personal transportation. They are comparatively low-cost, dependable, comfortable, and easy to use. Along with traditional bikes, e-bikes are a major contributor to reduction in carbon emissions, reduction of traffic congestion, and improvement to traffic flow. Many people are choosing them in place of bicycles so they can ride longer and farther. Many are using them to get to work and school and errands and other destinations.
The exploding popularity of e-bikes often precedes preparedness to ensure their safe use. Along with communities everywhere, there is an urgent need to educate e-bike riders and the general public about their safe operation. This grant provides resources to establish well-informed best-practice programs in English and Spanish for the Aquidneck Island community.
Representatives Carson. Cortvriend, and Abney visited Bike Newport’s Big Blue Bike Barn to deliver the grant check while Summer Bike Camp was in session. The campers had the chance to exchange bike stories with the legislators and to demonstrate their skills on the Pump Track before setting off on their group ride to Easton’s Beach.
While welcoming the VIPs, campers Diego, Marvin, and Lauro shared their excitement for the freedom they feel when biking. Lauro said he’s gone places he’s never been before on his bike at Bike Camp. Marvin added that he likes that bikes don’t hurt the environment.
Rep Carson praised the campers’ biking accomplishments and told them that she was planning a bike ride on Cape Cod this summer. Rep Abney recalled that he grew up riding bikes and expressed his appreciation for Bike Newport’s work in the community. Rep Cortvriend introduced herself as a bike rider who is excited about making progress so more people can ride and everyone can be safer.
Everyone at Bike Newport is extremely grateful to Representatives Carson, Abney, Cortvriend, and Finkelman – for supporting the important role of education in improving safety. Their partnership makes it possible for more people to choose the healthy and fun options of biking and walking to get where we’re going. We look forward to making progress together.