Come to a Public Hearing This Month on the Future of RIPTA
Transit, biking, and walking are primary components of a healthy multimodal system that makes it possible for people to get where we need to go safely, affordably, and reliably – with the best outcomes for our personal and professional lives and for our community and environment.
Now is the time to speak up for transit in Rhode Island.
More than 9.6 million rides were taken on RIPTA buses in 2022, and RIPTA routes connect 37 communities across the state. Yet the future of mass transit in Rhode Island has reached a crossroads: RIPTA administrators are now debating a range of service changes, including the termination of 11 bus routes.
On Aquidneck Island, these include the elimination of Route 68 (CCRI Newport/Memorial Blvd./First Beach) and the elimination of Saturday service on Route 64 (Newport, URI, Kingston Station).
Before the governing board votes on the proposed cuts on Feb. 22, RIPTA will hold a series of state-wide public hearings from Feb. 12-15, 19 and 21.Rhode Island residents are encouraged to attend and speak about how these cuts will affect riders and our communities.
The Aquidneck Island hearings are on Thursday, February 15th at Newport CCRI Auditorium. There are two sessions: 12:30-2:00 pm and 5:30-7:00 pm.
The full list of hearings statewide is included below.
RIPTA has cited a shortage of bus drivers as a cause for the cuts, which will mostly affect riders outside of Providence. ADA services provided by the RIde Program will also be reduced along eliminated corridors. The RIde Program is for people with disabilities that prevent the use of fixed-route buses. For a full description of the proposed service changes, including a comprehensive list of affected routes, see the RIPTA website.
Mass transit plays a vital role in any multimodal society. Many commuters prefer the ease and affordability of a well-connected bus system, while thousands more Rhode Islanders fully rely on buses to survive. Any service changes, from route cuts to decreased trip frequency, will have a personal and economic impact on the people RIPTA serves—as well as the broader communities..
We encourage everyone thinking about RIPTA service changes and how it impacts all of us to attend one or more of the following hearings—and to tell RIPTA leadership what this service means to you.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Barrington Public Library, 281 County Road, Barrington
Times: 12:30pm – 2pm & 5:30pm – 7pm
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Pawtucket Public Library, 13 Summer Street, Pawtucket
Times: 12:30pm – 2pm & 5:30pm – 7pm
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Providence Foundation, 30 Exchange Terrace, Providence
Times: 12:30pm – 2pm & 5:30pm – 7pm
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Newport CCRI Auditorium, One John H. Chafee Blvd., Newport
Times: 12:30pm – 2pm & 5:30pm – 7pm
Monday, February 19, 2024
URI Memorial Union, Room 360, 50 Lower College Road, Kingston
Times: 12:30pm – 2pm & 5:30pm – 7pm
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick
Times: 12:30pm – 2pm & 5:30pm – 7pm