The following was reported in its entirety by John Flaherty of Grow Smart RI:
Thank you to the nearly two-dozen people who spoke up before the State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Thursday evening, November 17, 2022.
There was a diversity of voices heard loud and clear making the case to fund and prioritize implementation of the state’s bold plans for improving transit and bike mobility across Rhode Island. Whether for Climate Action, Racial and Social Justice, Seniors, Youth, spurring Transit-Oriented Housing, More Affordable Mobility Options, Public Health & Safety or Economic Development, there were many perspectives focused around a shared community goal (see video clips below).
So far, the following two media reports about this have been published.
Community groups call for state to quit stalling on bicycle, transit expansion – Providence Business News
Transportation Committee Hears Urgent Pleas to Revamp Rhode Island’s Transit System – EcoRI News
We’ll be following closely the development of the FY24 State Budget, now underway, as well as the State’s $9 billion 10-year transportation budget forecast to ensure that it includes phased implementation of both plans. If you’re not on the Grow Smart RI e-newsletter list, you can sign-up here.
You can adjust play-back speed in YouTube to hear all the testimony in less time, or skip to individual speakers.
00:35 Eugenia Marks
06:18 Peter Brassard, RI Association of Railroad Passengers
07:13 Cheryl Space, Community Libraries of Providence
08:51 Scott Wolf, Grow Smart RI
12:31 Rita Kerr-Vanderslice
13:37 David “Jonesy” Mann
16:11 Kathleen Gannon, RI Bike Coalition
18:05 David Veliz, RI Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty
19:10 Liza Farr
21:25 Cedric Ye
26:26 Leon Ye
28:35 Dylan Giles
30:11 Unidentified Individual
31:02 Christian Roselund, Clean Energy Associates
34:00 Haley Bucky
35:46 Matt Schaelling
36:56 Justin Boyan, Climate Action Rhode Island
39:50 State Representative Elect Enrique Sanchez
42:09 Patricia Raub, RI Transit Riders
45:43 Barry Schiller, former TAC Member
48:46 State Representative David Morales
Thanks to John Flaherty and Grow Smart RI for compiling this helpful review of the testimonials.