In honor of Black History Month we looked into the archives to share these incredible stories with you. Learn about soldiers on bikes, female cyclists’ cross -country adventures, and one of the world record holders who set the record for the fastest bicycle mile! Katherine T. “Kittie” Knox Kittie Knox, courtesy USA Cycling In 1890, when the… read more
What is a BPAC?
RIDE ISLAND UNIVERSITY presents: BPACs 101 for Aquidneck Island Wednesday, January 29th 5:30-7:00pmMiddletown Fire Department239 Wyatt Road, Middletown, RI Let’s talk about Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commissions and how they can benefit Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth. BPACs may be the most effective way for citizens to help municipalities make progress on more and better accommodation… read more
Ride Island University: Valley Road
On November 14th, 20 people together toured the length of Valley Road in Middletown – from Aquidneck Avenue to West Main Road. The purpose of the tour was to conduct a “Bike and Walk Audit”. What is a Bike/Walk Audit? According to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center of the US Department of Transportation: A… read more
Multimodal Workshop for Planners and Engineers
Designing Streets for People: The New MUTCD, PROWAG, and AASHTO Bike Guide Thursday, Dec 510am-2pm (lunch will be served)Norman Bird Sanctuary | Mabel’s Studio583 3rd Beach Rd.Middletown, RI 02842 Join the team from Ride Island and Toole Design for a dynamic workshop! They’ll cover essentials of NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide and get real-world insights… read more
2024 Candidates Respond with their Bike/Walk Visions
On September 22, 2024, the following message was sent from Bike Newport to all candidates for City/Town Council, RI House, and RI Senate representing Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth. Thanks to all of the candidates who replied for taking the time to share their vision. Their responses appear below the question, in alphabetical order by positions. All responses are… read more
RI Reps Bring Support for E-Bike Safety
E-bike safety brings a VIP visit to the Big Blue Bike Barn! A generous legislative grant will make it possible for Bike Newport to establish new educational programs for e-bike safety for Aquidneck Island’s schools and communities. RI State Representatives Lauren Carson, Terri Cortvriend, Marvin Abney, and Alex Finkelman collectively provided the $8,000 grant that… read more
Fourth of July Bike Decorating and Parade 2024
The Fourth of July Bike Decorating! Starting at 9:00am at William Ellery Park we’ll have oodles of red white & blue to dress up your bicycle for the People’s Parade that starts from this point at 9:30/9:45am. The Parade proceeds to Washington Square for great music and the annual reading of the Declaration… read more
Aquidneck Island Goes To Cambridge
“First person” by Tommie Harrell (Please scroll down for report links and photos.) We named the day “Ride Island University: Cambridge” and we planned it to be an immersive learning experience. After two months of preparation, it turned into the singularly most productive day I’ve so far experienced as Bike Newport’s Advocacy Associate. On May… read more
Bike Newport and FabNewport Join the Ranks of the Nation’s Bicycle Friendly Businesses
When the League of American Bicyclists announced the 2024 Bicycle Friendly Businesses this week, we were happy to see two Newport nonprofits at the top of the list – Bike Newport with Platinum status, and our friends at FabNewport with Silver. This year, the League recognized 56 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Businesses. The photos… read more
East Main Road: What Now?
The Discussion Continues: EAST MAIN ROAD Needs Safety Improvements Note: In just the two weeks preceding this writing, there have been three crashes on East Main Road in Portsmouth. One shut down East Main Road. Another took away power from half of Portsmouth’s residents. Thankfully there were no serious injuries. All experienced damage and created… read more
East Main Road: Read Our Report and Attend the Public Hearing
The East Main Road Briefing Book has been prepared in response to the questions posed by the Middletown Town Councilors and the public, and in preparation for the Public Hearing on Monday, April 15th. The Middletown Town Council has called for a Public Hearing “on the Proposed East Main Road Configuration modifying the current four (4)… read more
Update: East Main Road Public Hearing
updated 4/11/24 The discussion taking place regarding Aquidneck Island’s East Main Road is about safety measures that can be implemented as part of the upcoming repaving. Are the lane changes that will improve safety right for East Main Road? The Middletown Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 15th to hear from… read more
Magaziner Introduces Bill to Support Bicycle Safety Education
Thanks to our own US Representative Seth Magaziner of Rhode Island, there is a House bill introduced in Congress to support federal funding of bicycle safety education programs – thank you Representative Magaziner! We pledge to work with Rep Magaziner and his staff to see that the BIKE (Biking Instruction, Knowledge, and Education) Act receives… read more
MORE INFO on Middletown’s Consideration of a Road Diet for East Main Road
On Monday, March 4th, Bike Newport Executive Director, Bari Freeman, addressed the Middletown Town Council regarding the opportunity to improve road safety on East Main Road during the 2024 repaving project. She was representing the Aquidneck Island project “Ride Island” * of which Bike Newport is a lead partner, together with Grow Smart RI, Toole Design Group, and van Beuren Charitable Foundation.
East Main Road Safety on Middletown Council Docket
East Main Road safety improvements, including protected bike lanes, are on the docket for the Middletown Town Council on Monday, March 4th, 2024, at 6:30pm at Middletown Town Hall, 350 East Main Road.
Advocacy Alert – Speak Up Against Bus Cuts
Come to a Public Hearing This Month on the Future of RIPTA Transit, biking, and walking are primary components of a healthy multimodal system that makes it possible for people to get where we need to go safely, affordably, and reliably – with the best outcomes for our personal and professional lives and for our… read more
(Updated) Response to RIDOT’s Carbon Reduction Strategy
Update 11/16/2023 On November 15th the Rhode Island Department of Transportation submitted the state’s federally-mandated Carbon Reduction Strategy to the Federal Highway Association. Here are the links to the press release and the final Strategy At Bike Newport, we find that the revised Carbon Reduction Strategy was responsive to public comment, stating specifically that “the… read more
Update: Admiral Kalbfus Road Safety Plan
Pictured above: Heavy-duty trucks running the red light on Admiral Kalbfus are a common occurrence. UPDATED November 6, 2023 The City Council and Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) are advancing much-needed safety improvements on Admiral Kalbus Road in the wake of the fatal crash of October 11th that took the life of Kayla Watson… read more
Respond to This Tragedy with Action
On the morning of October 11, 2023, Kayla Watson tragically lost her life while riding her bicycle to work on Admiral Kalbfus Road at Hillside Avenue. Kayla was 34 years old, a resident of Middletown, RI. The intersection where she died is well-known for unsafe traffic conditions. It is circled by homes, a church, and… read more
Take Action: Bike and Transit Legislation This Week at the RI Senate
Rhode Island is at a pivotal moment in shaping our statewide mobility policies, and your participation can make a difference. This Thursday, May 25th, two State Senate Judiciary Committee hearings will address crucial bike and transit bills. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings occur after “the rise” (when senators leave the floor for the day), so… read more
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