More and better youth programs: Thanks to generous funding by the Frederick Henry Prince Memorial Fund at Newport Hospital and the van Beuren Charitable Foundation, we’ll be able to expand the youth programs of the Bike Garage – teaching bicycle skills and maintenance to many more youth and establishing more programs in the vicinity of the Florence Gray Center.
We’re hiring: See our listing for a Youth Program Coordinator HERE. Applications accepted through Friday, 2/15. A great job for the right person!
“Night Bright” safer cycling initiative: Are you an employer with night cycling employees? We’re gearing up to come to places of business to install lights and distribute night safety kits to help your employees improve their safety and visibility. If you’re an employer, EMAIL US for more information. If you’d like to help with distribution and installation of lights, come to the Community Meeting on 2/12, listed below.
Tuesdays Feb. 5 & 17, 8am: ROADS AND ROUTES COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Bike Newport Office, 2nd floor Seamen’s Church Institute. Help finalize plans for the print and online versions of the 3rd edition Newport Bike Map.
Wednesday Feb. 6, 7pm: “REVEAL THE PATH” movie screening at the Columbus Theater, 270 Broadway, Providence, to benefit RI Bicycle Coalition
Monday Feb. 11, 6pm: RI BICYCLE COALITION monthly advocacy meeting, Brown University Bookstore, Providence. Join this open meeting and get involved in statewide bicycle advocacy.
Tuesday Feb. 12, 8am: MONTHLY COMMUNITY MEETING at Bike Newport Office, 2nd floor Seamen’s Church Institute. Topic: Planning for Bike Newport Night, 3/20. Join us to help make the second annual Bike Newport Night a success. Work with local businesses and employers to promote safe night cycling and distribute night safety equipment to our city’s bicycle commuting workers.
Saturday, Feb. 16, 10am to 12noon: PORTSMOUTH GROUP RIDE Join the Roads and Routes Committee to explore the northern end of the island. Be prepared to start, stop and chat along the way. Meet at Clements Market. Depart at 10am sharp.
Thursday – Saturday Feb. 21-23, 6-9pm: WINTERFEST ILLUMINATED GARDEN AT BALLARD PARK Watch for Bike Newport’s pedal-powered generators powering a choice installation – made possible by our friends at People’s Credit Union.
Thursday, Feb. 28, 7pm: “BICYCLE MOVIES” screening at Jane Pickens Theatre. 22 fabulous film shorts from around the world, hand picked by the director of Bicycle Dreams. Proceeds will benefit Bike Newport and the JPT Digital Film Fund. Doors open at 6pm, screening at 7pm.
Wednesday March 20, 6-9pm: BIKE NEWPORT NIGHT AT SPEAKEASY, 250 Thames Street. Fab food by SpeakEasy. Mad music by Anthony Road, musicians of Common Fence Music. Rad raffles and silent auction items. A night not to miss!