The Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition (RI Bike) is organizing a Complete Smart Cycling Class
via Bike Newport and would love for you to join us on October 7th, 8-5pm
The Complete Smart Cycling Class is a very helpful overview about riding with traffic for everyone – and pre-requisite for Instructor Training. Everyone who attends this class will be better informed about road sharing and basic bicycle to be safer on the roads. We need more people to have this information and to share it with others, in particular by volunteering and helping out with Bike Newport rides and education programs.
It will be a one day course on August 26th (possible different date) and it’s free! RI Bike is providing the instructor and all materials.
A few details:
The Complete Smart Cycling Class is a fast-paced, class that provides cyclists with the confidence to ride safely and legally in traffic or on the trail and how to teach children to ride cautiously and conspicuously while on their own.
We will cover the basics of bike maintenance, rules of the road, on-bike skills, and crash avoidance techniques. This class is a prerequisite for becoming a certified League Cycling Instructor from the League of American Bicyclists.
It’s broken down into:
1) A classroom session at one time ~ approx 4 hours
2) An on-road session which includes:
- A ride where the students take turns leading the group and are expected to stop, start, turn right and left, place them selves in the appropriate place in the lanes, etc
- Parking lot drills: the prescribed 8 avoidance and emergency exercises ~3-4 hours depending on class size.
- The written test and review with final questions, awarding of certificate takes about 1 hour. If you use the on-line test then this takes about 30 minutes.
If you’re interested in this course, please email clare@bikenewportri.org with your interest.
Your attendance earns you a League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling Certificate.