2022 End of Year Campaign – Thank You!
Thank you for helping us exceed our goal. With your help, we raised $31,720
and activated the $25,000 matching gift from a generous donor!
With your continuing support in the new year,
we’ll make 2023 a year to remember for bike progress and bike happiness in our community.
Thank you, and Happy New Year!

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What a year this has been! Here’s a taste of 2022:
- We built a 900 sq ft canopy over the Big Blue Bike Barn program space, adding shelter and water to the tracks and trails of this one-acre program and play space that is home to our summer camp and more – with shelter, water, trails, gardens, and a pump track – a demonstration of what is possible with intention, creativity, and collaboration!
- We held the second car-free “Elliot’s Ride for Everyone” – opening 3.5 miles of the Ocean Loop to people biking, walking, rolling and strolling to ride this beautiful landscape separated from motorized vehicles.
- We taught in-school bicycle safety education to Newport Public Schools’ 3rd and 5th graders and we’ll continue to add curriculum at new grade levels and schools.
- We began vital collaborative work on an islandwide bicycle connectivity plan, “Ride Island”, based on existing plans and priorities and identifying existing funding mechanisms.
- We collected and restored another 300+ bikes for the community – keeping them out of the waste stream and on the road with new owners. Many thanks to an awesome cadre of bike-happy staff and volunteers.
- We brought virtual reality experiences of biking and walking across the Pell Bridge to the community in partnership with the faculty and students of the Interior Architecture Department of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). This stunning experience makes it possible to imagine a very real future. Read the story and watch the video HERE.

We are very excited about what lies ahead for 2023!
Many years of intention, consideration, and persistence have brought us to a time when biking is recognized as part of the most optimal solutions to the combined challenges of economy, environment, and public health.
People’s wishes and dreams to choose biking with confidence are aligning with focused planning efforts to reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions. The Newport Transportation Master Plan is well in the works. It recognizes that supportive infrastructure triggers the shift to biking, walking, and shuttling that improves traffic flow and vehicle parking.
We can do this! When our road infrastructure provides safe separation, more people will choose biking – to work, to play, to shop, and to visit.
Your Donation Will Be Doubled!

Who wants to ride across the Pell Bridge?
Where else do you want to ride? Tell us HERE.
We can do this!

Did you get our booklet “We Can Do This!” in the mail – if not, send us your address and we’ll get one right out to you.

We are SO grateful for our generous friends and supporters.
Enjoy this short video of our annual Bike Giveaway at the Big Blue Bike Barn. It’s a wonderful story of what your donations can do. Thank you!
Thank you always for your support, partnership, and participation.
Together we can, and will make CHANGE.
Your Donation Will Be Doubled!