Dear Friends:
Wow – 2012 has been an exciting year for bicycling enthusiasts in and around Newport and across Aquidneck Island. The dedication, generosity and resolve of Bike Newport’s numerous volunteers and partners guided our organization through a remarkable year of accomplishments, and we’re holding our traction to gain momentum in 2013. In the best interest of our kids and our families, our historic preservation, our tourism economy and a sustainable future – we look forward to MORE and BETTER cycling for transportation and recreation.
As we say goodbye to 2012 and look at our road ahead, please consider a year-end gift to Bike Newport. Your tax-deductible contribution will be received through our fiscal sponsor, Social Venture Partners of Rhode Island, and will help us to deliver on our mission to improve and encourage bicycling for our youth, families and visitors. Our goal, simply put, is more people on bikes! to experience the freedom and joy of cycling, and to contribute to preserving the beauty and history of the Newport area. You candonate here. Thank you!
Thanks to the collaboration of city, schools, police, businesses and planners, we’re making steady progress toward improving cycling and safer sharing of the roads.
Looking Back – some highlights of 2012:
- Newport City Council passed a resolution to work with Bike Newport to become a certified Bicycle Friendly Community.
- A full day of Bike to Work Day activities took place in Washington Square, Newport’s historic city center.
- 10,000 copies of the second edition Newport Bicycle Map were scooped up by residents and visitors.
- 12 Bike Newport representatives became trained and certified Smart Cycling Instructors.
- The Bike Garage became a place for local kids to learn bike skills and maintenance and get outside and on their bikes after school.
- Up to 600 bicyclists/day rode to the summer festivals at Fort Adams, guided by Bike Newport’s online and mobile apps and greeted by Bike Newport’s bike valets.
- A generous startup grant from the van Beuren Charitable Foundation made it possible for Bike Newport to hire full-time staff and move into an office at Seamen’s Church Institute.
- RIDOT and the Federal Highway Administration held a joint workshop in Newport to consider a Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Action Plan.
- RIDOT completed and Bike Newport dedicated the first bike lane on Aquidneck Island on Memorial Blvd in Newport – with more to come!
- Pedal-powered “Jingle Bikes” debuted at Bowens Wharf!
2013 Already In Progress:
- Bike Newport and Aquidneck Island Planning Commission are partnering on moving the Shoreline Bikeway and the Interim Shoreline Bikeway forward.
- The Bicycle Friendly Community application process is underway.
- The 2013 edition of the Newport Bicycle Map is set to include all of Aquidneck Island.
- A newly established Roads and Routes Committee will consider island-wide recommendations.
- Free bike skills, safety and road sharing classes are planned for Aquidneck Island cyclists and motorists.
- The Bike Garage site and programs will expand to reach more youth.
- Online and mobile cycling information and encouragement is improving.
- Dedicated “Park & Bike” locations and support for summer events is planned.
- and we’ll have our bike-generated power stations at numerous area events.
Many thanks to our numerous supporters, including but not limited to:
AARP of Rhode Island, Benzak Foundation, Discover Newport, EJMP Fund for Philanthropy, The Kaminitz Family, Narragansett Bay Wheelmen, Newport County Chamber of Commerce, Newport Fed, Newport Bicycle, Newport Running Club, Newport This Week, People’s Credit Union, Preservation Society of Newport County, van Beuren Charitable Foundation
And many thanks to YOU for your continued support and participation. Wishing you happiness, good health and an abundance of joy rides in the new year!
From the staff and board of Bike Newport:
Bari George, Deanna Casey, Steve Heath, Brian Hennessey, Christina Erwin, Tina Dolen, Jimmy Flynn, Laura Murphy, Allison McNally and Casey Farley