We are now one month removed from the Inaugural Elliot Kaminitz Fathers Day Ride and we would again like to recognize all of the efforts put forth by so many. Here is a copy of the letter to the editor written on June 17th. Have a wonderful day.
To the Editors:
Thank you for the beautiful coverage of the first annual Father’s Day Ride, “Bicycle Ride Promotes Safety, Honors Victim of Accident”, June 17, 2013.
It was indeed a very successful day in many ways: the weather was perfect, participants numbered over 300, and both funds and awareness were raised to improve the safe sharing of the road by motorists and cyclists.
With the summer season upon us, the numbers and variety of vehicles sharing the roads of this small, picturesque, historic city is astounding. The best way for us all to be safe is to follow the road rules, be considerate of others, and aware of our own safety.
These are the messages embraced by the two lead sponsors of the Elliot Kaminitz Father’s Day Ride: People’s Credit Union and the RIDOT Highway Safety Program. We could not have held the event without their generous and unwavering support.
We also had the help and generosity of numerous local businesses to whom we are especially grateful: A2B Bicycles, A Market, Bagel Boys, Corrigan Financial, Empire Tea and Coffee, Fort Adams Trust, Hooley/Re-sails, Mansion Rentals, Newport Bicycle, SpaTerre at the Viking Hotel, Ten Speed Spokes and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc (VHB)
Our numerous volunteers included teams from Corrigan Financial, Kiwanis Club of Newport and Headstrong / Joe Would Go as well as too many individuals to list here. Thank you to all!
Photographers Melissa Barker, Meghan Heriot and Sky Sabin were everywhere at once and captured the energy, emotion and joys of the day brilliantly. Mike Kowalczyk and the team from Newport Pedicab carried delighted passengers the full six-mile Ocean Drive loop. And the work of Matt Gray of Gray Matter Marketing to pull off yet another successful inaugural event is not surprising, but greatly appreciated.
This long and wholly incomplete list demonstrates the power of a community that cares. Thanks to all who supported the first annual Elliot Kaminitz Father’s Day Ride with their time, talent, resources and participation.
Most of all, thanks to the Kaminitz Family – Renee, Adam, Ilicia, Jon, Sydney and Zoey – for using their heartbreak to inspire a better place. There is no better tribute to a man so loved and missed.
Bari George, Executive Director, Bike Newport