The kids of Newport have been telling us for a long time that they need a place to be kids. Somewhere they can ride, play and learn. A place they can call theirs.
Imagine this: all the buzz and excitement as kids gather for play time and spring/summer camps at the Big Blue Bike Barn. Here they’ve learned bike care and road safety skills. Many have restored a bike of their own. They’re riding freshly cleared trails in Miantonomi Park all the way to the tower, and they’re looking out over their hometown.
Work is underway at the Big Blue Bike Barn to make this dream real. We’re outfitting the interiors of two big shipping containers with bike racks and shelving. Metalworkers are preparing to cut doors into the sides. Students from Roger Williams University School of Architecture are designing the awnings and work areas.
All donations will be doubled – Donate today!
“It’s going to be fun to ride around with other kids at the Big Blue Bike Barn. Everyone will go because they’ll learn so much and be off the roads and in the woods instead. For kids, learning to work on their own bikes and seeing the progress they’re making – riding and having a place to go and work on bikes – is so great. The Bike Barn will be so cool”
– Matthias Wildes, 16. East Bay Met School intern.
Traffic-free, safe and healthy places for young people to learn and grow are essential – help us make it happen! Visit our website for more stories from our Bike Newport family.