A major amendment to the STIP (State Transportation Improvement Plan) was presented by RIDOT (Rhode Island Department of Transportation) to the State Planning Council on Jan 10 and will be presented to the State TAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) on Jan 24. The amendment addresses a shortfall in funding and includes a reduction of $27.67 million… read more
Statewide Bicycle Planning Guides
Did you know Rhode Island and Massachusetts have draft statewide Bicycle Planning Guides? Massachusetts Department of Transportation has a ‘Draft Municipal Resource Guide For Bikeability,’ and Rhode Island has a draft ‘Bicycle Mobility Plan.’ Give them a read and see the future when all road users are treated equally and we leave car-centric planning behind.… read more
A Great Start For Our 2019 Interns
It’s Friday morning in Newport. The Bike Newport building that’s home to the Bike Garage is buzzing with Rogers High School interns. Teenagers are spread out across the garage floor, working on bicycles in different stages of repair. The sound of gear changes and a steady clank of pedal wrenches fills the room. An assortment of vintage, road and mountain bikes… read more
Garaje en español
El garaje de bicicletas es un espacio exclusivo y alentador para que los hispanohablantes vengan y trabajen en bicicletas. No se requiere experiencia. Traiga su propia bicicleta o voluntario durante 3 horas para obtener una bicicleta gratis. The Bike Garage is an exclusive and encouraging space for Spanish speakers to come and work on bikes. No… read more
Bikes + Coffee = LOVE!
Perfect seasonal gifts! Wake up, y’all! Check out what’s brewing for your morning caffeine. Bike Newport has teamed up with Empire Tea and Coffee to bring you – BICYCLE BLEND! Pick up your “medium-light, sweet and nutty with notes of caramel and chocolate” (YUM!) at Bike Newport or Empire AND enjoy it from your very own… read more
Welcome Allyson McCalla!
Welcome Allyson McCalla! Allyson is our new Office and Outreach Manager and we’re so excited to have her on board. She comes to us with a wealth of experience in office management, outreach, events, organizing and fundraising. Come in and say ‘Hi’, and join us in welcoming her to the Bike Newport family.
Meet Matthias and Newport’s Bike Hub
The kids of Newport have been telling us for a long time that they need a place to be kids. Somewhere they can ride, play and learn. A place they can call theirs. Imagine this: all the buzz and excitement as kids gather for play time and spring/summer camps at the Big Blue Bike Barn.… read more
Pell School Santa’s Bike Giveaway
All year round, people bring outgrown and otherwise unused bikes to Bike Newport’s community bike project – where they receive a little TLC and find their way to new owners. Bikes are restored and made road-ready by volunteers and by folks who earn the bikes through volunteering. Among the beach cruisers, road racers, and city bikes… read more
From Childhood Memories to New Adventures.
Antoinette Sutherland’s bike-love story warmed our hearts this week and reminded us of why we do what we do. After learning to ride a bike as a child, Antoinette Sutherland hasn’t ridden since and is a little out of practice zipping around on two wheels. She joined us in the bike garage this week to get her… read more
Summer Rides with Bike Newport and New Belgium
Those hot summer nights call for something a little different. Come and have the ultimate Newport experience. Ride with Bike Newport around Newport and end the evening a bar for a few New Belgium beverages. Bike to Beer! Fun times ahead as the rides feature New Belgium swag giveaways, glassware beer and the chance to… read more