On Tuesday, February 28th, the RI Senate Finance Committee will hold an “Advice and Consent” confirmation hearing for RIDOT Director Peter Alviti. The hearing will take place in the Senate Lounge at the State House at the Rise of the Senate, which usually takes place about 4:30pm. (The Rise is when the House or Senate finishes… read more
Last Call for Feedback on Newport’s Transportation Master Plan
The final draft of Newport’s Transportation Master Plan is posted online at www.keepnewportmoving.com – and it’s a wealth of reviews, ideas, and recommendations to improve traffic flow, reduce traffic congestion, and take bold steps to make getting around Newport as delightful an experience as being here. Remote parking, shuttles, bicycling, and walking are all prioritized… read more
Statewide Bike and Transit Advocates Make Plea to TAC
The following was reported in its entirety by John Flaherty of Grow Smart RI: Thank you to the nearly two-dozen people who spoke up before the State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Thursday evening, November 17, 2022. There was a diversity of voices heard loud and clear making the case to fund and prioritize implementation of… read more
2022 Candidates Respond with their Bike/Walk Visions
On September 24, 2022, the following message was sent from Bike Newport to all candidates for City/Town Council, RI House, and RI Senate representing Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth. Thanks to all of the candidates who replied for taking the time to share their vision. Their responses appear below the question, in alphabetical order by positions. All responses are… read more
Keep Newport Moving – Take the Survey!
This is YOUR chance to weigh in on Newport’s Transportation Master Plan. A master plan guides local policy on transportation and infrastructure over the VERY long term. This is the first master plan that Newport has undertaken in 20 years! As the city continues to change, we need responsible planning for an equitable future for… read more
ACTION ALERT: RI Transportation Plan Amendment
Fast-Track Plan Released as Minor Amendment #2 For $748 Million of Federal Infrastructure Investment Funds The State of RI is making plans for the $748 million received from the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill for transportation improvements. The federal bill, titled the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), includes provisions addressing climate change by improving infrastructure… read more
Mark the Transportation Plan Map!
TIME-SENSITIVE: MARK THE MAP TODAY! – last day is Friday 9/17 The City of Newport is developing a Transportation Master Plan and we can all help. There is currently an online survey and interactive map accepting our comments and feedback until Friday 09/17. You can name the streets and methods that you believe will… read more
Places for Bikes Workshop
Our friends at PeopleForBikes have announced the PlacesForBikes Workshops – a series of helpful, inspirational single-day training events for city leaders working to improve bicycling in their communities. The staff at Bike Newport will be there and we hope you’ll join us. From the event page: Each workshop will feature inspiring speakers, panel discussions, group… read more
Join our Advocacy Team!
We are gathering an Advocacy Team comprised of community members throughout Newport and surrounding areas, who are passionate about creating complete streets in Newport. We will be holding discussions, attending relevant meetings of the city council, and helping with moving any planned complete streets projects forward. If you are interested in using your voice in support of complete streets for… read more
ALERT: RIDOT Proposal Slashes Bike Funding
Rhode Island Department of Transportation Proposal Slashes Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Funding Statewide (Jan 26, 2019) The “Major Amendment to the State Transportation Improvement Plan” presented by RIDOT to the State Transportation Advisory Committee on January 24th includes 33% cut to the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) over four years. TAP is the primary source of funding for… read more